Fuel Your Outdoor Workouts

As the weather warms up and the sun beckons us outside, many of us are eager to take our workouts outdoors! Whether you’re hitting the trails for a run, cycling through scenic routes or [...]

Jay Nolan Camp Is Back!

A week of empowerment, teamwork, transformation, and fun! Jay Nolan Camp is back! This long-missed camp, which made its debut in 1980, is returning to Lions Camp at Teresita Pines in Wrightwood, [...]

Smart Start to the New Year!

In the dawn of a new year, many of us want a smart start and to embark on the ritual of crafting resolutions, hopeful for transformative change. Yet as the confetti settles, a paradox unfolds. [...]

Tips to Keep Your Immune System Healthy

Our immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to defend your body against harmful invaders, such as bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. During cold [...]

Thanksgiving & Eating Mindfully

As the holiday season approaches, with Thanksgiving leading the way, it’s a time for reflection and gratitude. For many, this season is a cherished reminder to give thanks for the blessings [...]

Empowering Deaf Plus Young Adults in LA: Resource Presentations Coming this Fall

[LOS ANGELES, CA] Jay Nolan Community Services announces four upcoming resource presentations specially designed to empower young adults who are Deaf Plus and their families. The presentations [...]

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