Committed to Caring

December 13, 2021

A board member at Jay Nolan Community Services shares her heartfelt connection with the organization, which started back in the 80s when her sister was a client. In this video, she explains how it’s super important to support Jay Nolan now and in the future because everyone in our community deserves care and attention. We all have a duty to help and support each other, making sure no one is left behind.

Picture of Marina Gavryushkina

Marina Gavryushkina

Marina is the Communications & Marketing Supervisor at Jay Nolan Community Services. Her role includes outreach and spreading awareness of the mission of the organization through storytelling, social media, and other online communications efforts. Marina is a lifelong learner and holds as a Bachelors degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and an Masters degree from Leiden University in the Netherlands.