National Down Syndrome awareness day March 21

 In News & Articles

21 March 2015 marks the 10th anniversary of World Down Syndrome Day and each year the voice of people with Down syndrome, and those who live and work with them, grows louder.

Down Syndrome International is encouraging everyone around the world to choose your own activities and events to help raise awareness of what Down syndrome is, what it means to have Down syndrome, and how people with Down syndrome play a vital role in our lives and communities. Go to WDSD World Events to share your ideas on the WDSD website.



This year WDSD 2015, DSi is focusing on:

‘My Opportunities, My Choices’ – Enjoying Full and Equal Rights and the Role of People with Down syndrome, on an equal basis with other people, must be able to enjoy full and equal rights, both as children and adults with ‘opportunities’ and ‘choices’.

People with Down syndrome face many challenges as children and adults which may prevent them enjoying their basic human rights. Many people often fail to understand that people with Down syndrome are people first, who may require additional support, but should be recognised by society on an equal basis with others, without discrimination on the basis of disability.

Families have a deep personal interest in the well-being of their members with Down syndrome. Empowering families to promote the equal status of their members in society and development is crucial, so that they can provide support, advocate for opportunities and choices and empower people with Down syndrome to express their own views and make their own decisions, as well as advocate for themselves.

WORLDDIWBSYNDROMEDAYFor the 10th anniversary of World Down Syndrome Day and in the ‘21’st anniversary year of the ‘International Year of the Family’, DSi will focus on the role of families and the positive contribution that they can make towards the enjoyment of full and equal rights for people with Down syndrome.

The WDSD Global Video Event and WDSD Conference will both explore this important area of focus.

Once again in 2015, we will be inviting everyone across the world to wear LOTS OF SOCKS on 21 March to get people talking about WDSD. You can purchase our LOTS OF SOCKS logo socks and t-shirts, together with WDSD t-shirts, from the WDSD Merchandise online shop.

They are also seeking nominations for the 2015 WDSD Awards and we hope that many of you will join us on our various WDSD Social Media channels.


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