Fifth Cohort of Uniquely Abled Academy Graduates from CNC Training Program

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SANTA CLARITA, CA, UNITED STATES: The Uniquely Abled Academy (UAA) is proud to announce the successful graduation of all 11 trainees from its Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Training Program, held at the College of the Canyons. The 5th cohort of the UAA has demonstrated exceptional skill and perseverance, culminating in the graduation ceremony on June 14, 2024.

The UAA CNC Training Program continues to be a beacon of opportunity for individuals with autism, equipping them with the skills needed to thrive in the manufacturing industry. This yearā€™s graduates have already seen significant success, with 6 out of 11 securing full-time positions at leading manufacturing companies shortly after graduation.

Three graduates have joined Classic Wire Cut, a prominent manufacturer of precision machined components, while two have been hired by RAH Industries, a key supplier to the aerospace and defense sectors. Additionally, one graduate has been welcomed by Woodward, a global provider of control systems for aerospace and industrial markets. The remaining graduates are also on promising paths, with three having accepted paid internships at Classic Wire Cut and the final two actively seeking employment opportunities through job development withĀ Jay Nolan Community Services.

The success of the UAA program is not just reflected in these immediate job placements but also in its broader mission: to bridge the gap between the growing demand for skilled CNC machinists and the often-untapped potential of individuals with disabilities. By focusing on the unique abilities of each participant, the UAA has been able to create an environment where these individuals can flourish both personally and professionally.

As Karen Navarro, the Program Coordinator at UAA and Manager of Department of Rehabilitation Services at Jay Nolan Community Services, notes, “Our graduates are not just being hired to fill a role; they are being recognized for their talents and the specialized training they have undergone. This is more than just job placementā€”it’s about creating meaningful careers.”

The program, which runs over a 13-week period, provides hands-on training in CNC machining, along with essential machining skills such as blueprint reading, safety protocols, and the operation of manual mills and lathes. Additionally, Jay Nolan Community Services offered extra soft skills coaching to help trainees adapt to the workplace and communicate well with future colleagues. These crucial abilities prepare graduates for the demands of the workforce, ensuring that they are not only job-ready but also able to excel in their chosen careers.

The success of the UAA program is evident not only in the immediate job placements but also in its broader mission to empower individuals with autism by providing them with the skills and opportunities needed to thrive in the workforce. Building on this success, the UAA is excited to announce that the 6th cohort of the CNC Training Program will be starting soon, and the academy is currently seeking new participants eager to launch their careers in the manufacturing industry

For more information about joining the next session of Uniquely Abled Academyā€™s CNC Training Program, please visit our website atĀ

Since 1975, Jay Nolan Community Services has enabled individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other developmental disabilities to live fulfilling lives as members of the community by providing support services customized to their individual needs.

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