Success Stories

Video Thumbnail featuring two men smiling. Each are sitting on a brown leather sofa. Text reads: Benjamin & Fasika
Success Stories

Benjamin and Fasika

Benjamin and Fasika have been roommates for 25 years through Jay Nolan’s Supported Living services. Over the decades, Benji has become like an uncle in Fasika’s family, watching his children grow up. Their relationship is one of mutual understanding and respect. Their shared trust means Fasika can help guide Benji when he is frustrated and to focus on what can

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Video Thumbnail featuring Bobby, an older Caucasian man wearing a white hat and a striped green and white shirt leaning against a wall at a park. Text reads: "Living Lie on His Own Terms"
Success Stories

Bobby’s Success Story

At age 59, Bobby moved to a new apartment in San Pedro, CA and it feels like a new chapter in his life has begun. His new home is right next to the ocean and is also closer to where his mom lives: a perk that helped strengthened their relationship.

Video Thumbnail depicting Dan, an older caucasian man wearing a dark blue t-shirt, sitting in his kitchen. Text Reads: "25 Years of Support and Fulfillment"
Success Stories

Dan’s Success Story

For over 25 years, Dan has been living his best life in a home of his own with support through JNCS Supported Living services. He works at a job he loves, likes to go to museums, and is a valued member of his church congregation. A musician at heart, Dan

Video thumbnail featuring Earnie, a young Caucasian man wearing a turquoise tie-dye shirt sittign at a kitchen table with a carton of eggs. Text reads: "From Introvert to Entrepreneur"
Success Stories

Ernie’s Success Story

Ernie was a shy young man when he started receiving services from JNCS. With the support of his helpful staff and his loving family, Ernie started a small egg business. He now takes care of over 60 chickens and has a license to sell their eggs to the local Ridgecrest