Neurodiverse Students Complete The Soft Skills Employment Training Program

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LOS ANGELES, CA: Jay Nolan Community ServicesĀ (JNCS) proudly announces the successful graduation of the second cohort of its Soft Skills Employment Preparation Training Program. This innovative initiative was aimed at empowering young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) to secure and maintain meaningful employment.

Launched in 2023 with funding from theĀ Department of Developmental Services (DDS), the online training program was designed to address the unique challenges faced by individuals with I/DD in the workplace. Historically, while many people with I/DD are capable of performing job-related tasks, they often need additional support with the “soft skills” necessary to thrive in a professional environment. These skills include effective communication, teamwork, time management, problem-solving, and professionalismā€”all critical to long-term career success.

The 2024 program, which ran two cohorts from January to May, was a resounding success. All participants not only completed the training but also transitioned into job development, marking a significant step forward in their journey towards independence. The curriculum included hands-on activities and real-life scenarios, such as interviewing, that allowed participants to practice and hone these essential skills in a supportive and inclusive setting.

This guiding principle: “Hard skills get you the job, soft skills help you keep the job!” underscores the importance of the training provided by JNCS. With the help of cutting-edge tools such as real-time translation and AI-powered virtual reality simulations, participants were able to engage in immersive learning experiences that prepared them for the challenges of the modern workplace.

JNCS is deeply grateful for the DDS grant, which has been instrumental in making this program a reality. The organization also extends its heartfelt thanks to the dedicated staff whose efforts were crucial to the program’s success. Jay Nolan Community Services is dedicated to offering a wide range of employment services. We encourage families to explore these valuable resources to support their loved ones in achieving meaningful and lasting employment.

For more information about Jay Nolan Community Services and its programs, please visitĀ

Since 1975, Jay Nolan Community Services has enabled individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other developmental disabilities to live fulfilling lives as members of the community by providing support services customized to their individual needs.

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