Celebrating the Life of “Connie” Constance Jeffs

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After serving Connie for 19 years in our Supported Living program, Connie passed away peacefully in her own home on September 21, 2017. She was surrounded by people who cared about her and her cat Lucy.

Connie was a feisty, strong willed, independent woman. Connie valued her independence and living in her own home above everything. Her mother and father made a decision many years ago to relocate to Oregon and they offered to bring Connie with them. Connie told them that she loved them very much but ultimately she made the decision to remain in her own apartment with her Jay Nolan family.

She enjoyed going to see musicals, small theater plays and Disneyland. She participated in Special Olympics and won many trophies and medals over the years. Connie loved men, she loved to flirt and she especially loved Ricky Martin. Connie was also a very spiritual woman as her father was a Pastor. Connie was preceded in death by both of her parents.

Connie has known many JNCS support people over the years. Most staff that supported Connie stayed with her for many years and maintained relationships with her even after they left Jay Nolan.

Lorri and Michelle Vargas hosted a Celebration of Life party to honor Connie on Saturday, October 7th. It was a beautiful day filled with people that loved and cared about Connie. The day was spent sharing favorite memories of Connie, listening to her favorite music and enjoying some of her favorite foods. Connieā€™s ashes were interned under a beautiful tree on the ranch and then each person planted a flower in her honor.

Connie was loved and will be missed by all here at Jay Nolan Community Services.

Thank you so very much to Katie Schwarz, Alicia Virgen, Vivian Do and Helen Meles. Connieā€™s was blessed with an amazing circle off support that consistently went above and beyond the call of duty, especially in the past six months. They each worked tirelessly and gave effortlessly of their time, compassion and spirit.

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