August 2021 Update from CEO Edward Amey

 In Announcements

Happy Hot August Days!

With temperatures on the rise, I canā€™t believe we are already in August! Kids and teachers are preparing to return to school in a whole new environment. We have had a rollercoaster of a ride, for certain. Vaccines becoming widely available, businesses, travel, and other things opening back up, then new variants of COVID causing concerns and potential new directives from our Federal, State and Local governments. With all of that, there is still hope and optimism. Because the human spirit is vital, courageous, and creative. Letā€™s enjoy these longer days, and the opportunity to go for walks with friends or family, share time outdoors, and to revitalize our bodies and spirits.

I like the vibe of summer, making new experiences and memories. New experiences are an important part of life. This is the core of our promise here at Jay Nolan. As I have been sharing with you throughout this pandemic challenge, we are engaging in the ā€œnow,ā€ while planning for the future. We are still making the mission of Jay Nolan Community Services real in the lives of people every day. Because the current environment we find ourselves in, does not change the fact that everyone has the right to the pursuit of happiness. And we promise to be a part of, and support, that pursuit. May you each experience wonderful new experiences this month, and everyday along the way!

As the wonderful American author, psychotherapist, and motivational speaker, Richard Carlson put it, ā€œcircumstances donā€™t make a person; they reveal him or her.ā€ Jay Nolan Community Services has made a promise to be a lifelong partner to the individuals we have the privilege of supporting in their pursuit of happiness. We bear witness to their amazing character, commitment, and contributions. We believe a community of diversity and inclusion, where all its members have the opportunity to pursue happiness, is as beautiful as a warm summer day.

Thank you for your support and commitment to Jay Nolan and its mission.

Edward Amey, CEO


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