CARES Act Supports People with Developmental Disabilities During COVID-19

Jay Nolan has just recently been the recipient of a grant through the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund. This grant is meant to assist healthcare providers with expenses resulting from the pandemic. [...]

National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) 2020

Increasing Access and Opportunity Held each October, National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) aims to educate about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied [...]

Pleasant September Greetings from CEO Edward Amey

Pleasant September Greetings! With the temperatures beginning to come down from record highs, itā€™s hard to believe summer is already coming to end in 2020. This year just seems to be going by in [...]

Happy Sunny August Days from Executive Director Edward Amey

Happy Sunny August Days! With the temperatures on the rise, I canā€™t believe itā€™s already August 2020, and kids (and teachers) are returning to school! But, school looks a lot different this year. [...]

JNCS Supports Advocacy For Racial Justice – Ways to Help

At Jay Nolan Community Services we are honored to serve members of all races and ethnicities, wherever the need exists. In our 45 years of service, we have always been committed to being agents [...]